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Anyone who has seen this https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/crashcourse81/pokemon-neoverse-logo will know what this is about. I recommend reading the description in this pic before reading this.

This is Part 9 in a series of documents detailing the Neoverse Project, which I've been working on for some time now. If you wanna see the previous Parts, check here.









This is the final Part in the Neoverse Posts, explaining the last few things I didn't mention or talk about in enough detail and something else, further below.

Note: The titles will be at the sides because they won't stay centered for some reason. -_- Also, this is all copy and pasted from my DA St.ash Journals, with a few alterations.


Genders, Crestide and Breeding


Pokemon genders in the original series have usually been unremarkable, due to most Pokemon having few if no differences at all and the genders not offering anything that affects them, even if they looked more clearly different from each other. In the Neoverse however, that changes. Besides having more varied appearances between each other, each Pokemon also has different strengths and weaknesses based on their gender. One Pokemon could have greater Strength and Speed but lesser Sharpness and Force as a male, while the female could have the reverse of that, though some will have their own focuses. Because they have different appearances between genders, they are recorded as parts of one Pokemon's entry on a Pokedex. As they lack a gender, genderless Pokemon do not receive any positives or negatives to their Battle Stats, making them good to have around. Genders may also affect the EVs granted by a Pokemon after its defeat, but they will always have roughly the same ones. Stats affected by the genders are highlighted in blue and pink depending on the gender: male for blue, female for pink, and these Gender Values, as you could call them, also play into how high a Pokemon's stats will rise when they evolve. Said effects vary between Lines with different numbers of Stages, excluding Platinum Providence.

Four-Stage Lines:

  • First-Second Stage: 10% normally; 15% for positive GVs and 5% for negative GVs
  • Second-Third Stage: 15% normally; 20% for positive GVs and 10% for negative GVs
  • Third-Fourth Stage: 20% normally; 25% for positive GVs and 15% for negative GVs

Three-Stage Lines:

  • First-Second Stage: 10% normally; 20% for positive GVs and 5% for negative GVs
  • Second-Third Stage: 20% normally; 25% for positive GVs and 15% for negative GVs

Second-Stage Lines:

  • First-Second Stage: 20% normally; 30% for positive GVs and 10% for negative GVs
  • Second-PP Stage: 25%

Another thing that can influence stats gained is Crestide, a state unique to Pokemon where their Crests seem to fluctuate in power. Pokemon with Crestide have lines of energy flowing around their bodies and their Crests glow in the colours of their Types, hence the name. Studies indicate it's caused when a Sourcewave hits Pokemon already bearing a Crest, which has roughly a 10% chance of happening. This expands the limits a Crest sets upon a Pokemon while also amplifying the Cruia they grant them even more, allowing them to generate AND gain more Cruia than normal. This means they deal 50% more damage and gain 50% more EXP than normal, and also gain double the EVs they normally would from each other for some reason. However, the state only lasts for as long as a Sourcewave does, which is about a week, so use the time you have to strengthen your mons as much as possible!

Finally, the specifics of Breeding. Pokemon of different lines can breed if they're of compatible...well, Breeds, and if they're a male and female. Majoratively this is how it works, but there may be some males who can birth a Pokemon just as there would be females who can't (Pokemon are unique that way XD). Regardless of HOW the Breeding is done, the result will always be a First-Stage Pokemon being born. Sometimes they may come in an egg or capsule or something else, but a First-Stage will always be born from it. This First-Stage inherits a quarter of both parents' Battle Stats as its own, which are raised or lowered depending on NVs and GVs, and it may also gain Moves, Abilities and Traits from their parents, if they're compatible with the Pokemon. What gender it'll be and the Nature it'll have are mostly random, but they seem to depend on the parents themselves, such as their gender ratios and common Natures. Even if a Pokemon couple don't birth a baby, they can still bond together through their...activities. The baby will also most likely be friendly with the parents, making cooperation between them in battle much simpler. You can have Pokemon Breed whenever you camp for a time, or by leaving them at a Daycare with Pokemon of able ages and compatible Breeds. On rare occasions however, there may be an entirely new Pokemon born from the parents, one that has all of the above stuff as well as their own! These are called Hybrimon, and they can be VERY useful...and interesting.

The Breeds that exist and their compatibilities (besides with each other) are as follows:

  • Vulcan: Pokemon born in a hot environment or with a type of fire in their bellies, and everywhere else.

Compabilities - Geo, Monstrous, Scaled

  • Geo: Pokemon born in a rocky or floral environment and are covered in what they're born from.

Compabilities - Vulcan, Scaled, Mystical

  • Sea: Pokemon born in the ocean or other water-filled environment, even being MADE of water at times.

Compabilities - Sky, Mystical

  • Sky: Pokemon born in a high location or even the sky itself, and often fly around it.

Compabilities - Sea, Monstrous

  • Homosapien: Pokemon with a humanesque appearance, possibly born into a human environment.

Compabilities - Sea, Tech, Mystical

  • Monstrous: Pokemon born in varying environments with more bestial and frightening appearances than usual.

Compabilities - Vulcan, Homosapien, Scaled

  • Scaled: Reptilian and draconic Pokemon fit into this category, and are some of the rarer Pokemon to find.

Compabilities - Vulcan, Geo, Monstrous

  • Amorphous: Pokemon capable of transforming their bodies in some way, usually ones that aren't physical.

Compabilities - All

  • Tech: Robotic or machine Pokemon. This is the only Breed with very few compatibilities.

Compabilities - Homosapien, Mystical

  • Mystical: Magical Pokemon whose energies can cause some...INTERESTING things to happen...

Compabilities - Geo, Sea, Homosapien, Tech

  • Unidentified: Mostly alien Pokemon fall under this category, ones who haven't been studied or figured out.

Compabilities - Unknown

Some Pokemon will bear two Breeds, but it's possible for Pokemon to interact if they possess at least one compatible Breed each.


Body Shapes, Footprints and Age/Catch Rates


Body Shapes and Footprints are usually only noted for Pokemon and animals, but they can be noted for humans too depending on how different they are from others. These two things don't have any influence towards the stats, the Levels/Tiers, the moves, or anything like those, but they ARE important for noting what kind of characteristics the Pokemon (or animal) has, which can make it easier to narrow down searches for them. Body Shapes are also important for determining the Body Space of a Pokemon (ie. legless ones cannot wear legwear and bodyless ones cannot wear clothing/armour designed for the body). Both can have more than one type of Body Shape applied to them and, in some cases, numerous or no Footprints, and these can both change as the former evolve, sometimes drastically.

Starting with the Body Shapes, they are as follows:

  • Uno: Creatures consisting only of a head or a singular body part that functions in a similar way, such as a floating sentry or a possessed jar.
  • Walker: Creatures consisting of a head and legs.
  • Finned: Creatures bearing fins on their bodies, be they limbs or extensions. Normal fish and Fish Pokemon usually fall under this category.
  • Multi-Limb: Creatures consisting of more than two arms and legs, possibly an extra head or tail as well. Normal bugs and Insect Pokemon usually fall under this category.
  • Quadraped: Creatures that stand on all fours. Beasts, both normal and Pokemon, usually fall under this category.
  • Airborne: Creatures that usually hover or fly using multiple wings, propellers or thrusters. Some Insect and Steel Pokemon fall under this category.
  • Sparse: Creatures consisting of numerous separate parts rather than a whole body, which all float/move together.
  • Lanky: Creatures bearing long limbs in the form of tentacles or extendable arms/legs/tails/etc, or are tall in some way.
  • Limbless: Creatures who possess no limbs, but do possess a whole body in some way.
  • Monstrous: Creatures who bear more drastic qualities such as scales, spikes, abnormally-long claws/fangs, anything that would make them look frightening.
  • Humanoid: A Body Shape named after the Human-Type, always but not exclusively given to such Pokemon.
  • Winged: Creatures bearing wings, be they limbs or extensions. Avian and some Aero Pokemon usually fall under this category.
  • Serpentine: Creatures that have long, usually but not always limbless bodies, such as snakes.
  • Upper: Creatures who are legless, and usually either float or crawl across the ground.
  • Mysterious: Creatures whose Body Shape is unspecified. This is given to animals and Pokemon not yet met with, but are known by the characters, though it's also given to creatures whose shape cannot be identified.

And now for Footprints. Each animal and Pokemon has a unique footprint, but there are classifications for them like with Body Shapes, which are:


  • No-Toed: Creatures that possess no toes on their feet.
  • One-Toed: Creatures that bear only one toe.
  • Two-Toed: Creatures that have two toes.
  • Three-Toed: Creatures that have three toes.
  • Four-Toed: Creatures that have four toes.
  • Five-Toed: Creatures that have five toes usually humanoid.
  • Many-Toed: Creatures that have more toes than usual.



Battles, Sports and Challenges


Another thing the Neoverse shares with the original series is having different kinds of battles. They are as follows:

  • Normal Battles: Battles with no particular rules or environments to fight in, nor set special tricks for the combatants. Each human can have up to two Pokemon out at once.
  • Duo Battles: Duo Battles are when two Alliances fight together. In these kinds of battles, both sides can only use five max Pokemon as opposed to ten, said five being the top five in their Parties, and only one can be out with their Allied humans.
  • Triad Battles: When THREE Alliances fight together. Only three Pokemon, one per Allied human, are allowed from each one.
  • Rotation Battles: Usually set in an arena, each Side is put onto a platform that rotates around every Turn, each quarter holding one-three combatants at a time. Only the front ones are allowed to fight.
  • Sky-High Battles: Created by the Sky High Seekers, these battles are fought high above the surface, thus only combatants capable of flight can fight in these. This also means Surface Moves will be useless here.

You can probably tell, but these are reworked from the Double, Triple, Rotation and Sky Battles from the original games. As usual there will be other kinds put here later.

Like before, battles are won when every combatant is beaten, but that doesn't necessarily mean EVERYONE has to fall. When a human falls in battle they become unable to use their other Pokemon, and so once the ones currently out are bested, the whole Alliance is bested. Some Pokemon MAY be able to break out of their PESes and join the fight if their human is down, but this depends on how close they are and on certain capabilities. A combatant faints when their HP runs out, but they can also be killed if they're attacked harshly in a Critical Spot or if they take damage equal to half of their HP when they're KO'd. This won't happen with important related or befriended characters since yours will hold back with the latter (and vice-versa), with a few exceptions for the former...

Sports are a brand new addition to Pokemon. These are played often to win prizes and fame, and are a good way to pass the time. The sports that exist in the Neoverse majoratively consist of our own with a twist here and there, but there are a few unique ones. I'll explain these new ones here.

Toppling: Alliances can choose their human or Pokemon companions to partake in separate versions of this event. In either version the teams have to make a structure out of their energies, which the other teams must then break down to earn points. Pokemon have to make and pile smaller structures onto each other, since they have more energy to spare.

Energy Spike: Teams choose one person to represent them, then that person must make their way through a gauntlet and energise a group of machines with the same energy. Once that's done, the machines will link together and open the way out of the gauntlet for them and ONLY them. Only one Cruia can be infused into the machines.

Hiveminders: A group of humans come together and perform meditation with someone else, their minds being sent into the linker's own. There, they will enter a world formed of their different Cruia, which they must navigate and find the linker in. The game ends after all of them find the linker or if time runs out, after which they are returned to their bodies.

More will be added later. These sports can offer different rewards depending on what they are, with each having its own league. While not required, it'd be worthwhile to try a few out, even if it's just to pass the time.

Finally, there are certain events continents have, which can vary from special kinds of battles and sports to a type of ritual. One such event is the Legion Rush, where you run through a labyrinth and fight 100 battles, which get progressively harder and harder. Each ten battles will have a more challenging opponent for you, and the opponents can be either human or Pokemon, or both. There are also difficulties you can try out, which are like this:

  • Quiet: The battles involve few combatants of low strengths.
  • Moderate: The battles involve average numbers of combatants of average strengths.
  • Tasking: The battles will have a lot of combatants of great strengths, with items and strategy to go with.
  • Brutal: A difficulty unlocked after beating all the others. Combatants will be numerous, strong, smart, prepared AND use Gamechangers, some even from other continents!

Other examples will be put here in the future, but they all offer greater rewards for their completion.


The Final Frontier


Beating an Aterr League is a very impressive feat...But what if you could go even higher? As in, into SPACE higher? That's where the Subalxeceli comes in. As well as being a place for Champions to hang out in and be recorded (alongside those who bested them), each Champion's segment also has its own facilities that are run by the Champions themselves, with help from the High Fivers. These facilities hold Champion Tests, and are challenges that are so hard only a Champion or those who beat them can handle. After you defeat and/or become a Champion, you can visit that Champion's respective Arch (the name of the segments) and partake in the Champion Tests there. In each of these tests you'll fight the workers of the Subalxeceli, who are not as strong as the Lorefighters but are strong AND smart enough to give even a Champion a challenge. Winning these tests grants you both large amounts of AP and excellent rewards, and you won't have to worry about your characters perishing while performing them.

However, no one's been allowed to currently enter the Subalxeceli without express permission from the Monarch himself. But he doesn't seem to mind people coming there to perform the Champion Tests, so it shouldn't be a problem...




Aaaaand that's it! That's all there is to the project! (at least in these Posts.) Quite a lot, I know, but that's how much Pokemon has needed to change since its inception. You're free to argue with me on this, but for those who don't, I would love to have your help in expanding this project. Despite my efforts it hasn't gained that much traction nor has too much stuff been drawn up and set out, and I'm hoping to change that. The main help I'll need are people who can help draw up redesigns for existing humans, Pokemon, items and more while also adding new ones. Full-on game designers or pixel/game artists are not required as I don't plan on making this an actual thing (as much as I would want to), but they're welcome to help out as well.

(Edit, 22/11/26: Ignore the top part. I'm no longer planning to work on Neoverse as majorly as I did before. You may still offer to help if you wish however.)

I'll also be posting links here to Journals explaining stuff I didn't get to before, specifically the Elements, Moves, Abilities, Traits and Skills, as well as making edits to some of the Posts as time goes on. If anyone would like to help, simply comment on the Neoverse logo pic I linked at the top of the Posts, or send a note to me. Until then...


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